Uncommon Nonsense

Video games, books, and day-to-day drivel


Wii at Last!

The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived! Nintendo has announced the release date (Nov. 19th) and the price ($250) of the Wii console! According to the IGN article, they'll have four million units shipped by the end of the year (far out-shipping the PS3), and several classic and Wii titles ripe for the picking. Not that I'm a fangirl or anything, but I think I peed a little - that makes my day. Well, that and going to see Tool tonight.

I'll have to run and reserve my Wii ASAP. I need to get a reserve on Neverwinter Nights 2, as well, as I heard via Blue's that they'll be providing the toolset early for those who reserve.

I'm really excited for the Wii; I grew up alongside Nintendo (born in 1984), and Zelda, Mario, and all the well-known Nintendo franchises have been there with me for a long time. I can't wait to see the new console - not for the console itself, though the controller is interesting - but to see where the franchises I love are going.

Somewhere, I read that people were actually complaining about the price point. Uh... what? Versus $400 for the full 360 package and god knows what astronomical amount we're hearing for the PS3, and considering the PS2 and XBOX both launched for $300, isn't this a good thing? Games for the Wii are going to be $50 - thank you for that, Nintendo, and fuck you Microsoft.

Interestingly, Nintendo has announced some non-game-related features of the Wii - trying to keep up with the versatility of Xbox Live? They've announced weather, news, and a photo browser to be among some of the features of the Wii - having generally been so focused on games, this comes as a surprise to me. Doesn't change my opinion one way or the other, but it's interesting.

I can't wait to play with my Wii... I still feel weird saying that.


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